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Our program


Green energy, clean and affordable  

  • We will help you to renovate your home to increase its energy efficiency with sustainable materials, by guiding you through the administrative procedures and the available financial aid, thanks to the ‘Klima Agence’ advisor of the commune.
  • We will promote the creation of an energy cooperative to install photovoltaic panels on roofs and other available surfaces in the commune (individuals, communal buildings, companies).
  • We will limit light pollution through intelligent management of public lighting and the installation of movement detectors.
  • We will require the installation of heat pumps in new buildings. For existing houses, we will support the replacement of fossil fuel heating with alternative and sustainable energy solutions.
  • We will continue to reduce the energy consumption of communal buildings.
  • We will install, where possible, photovoltaic panels on the roofs of buildings run by the commune.


Better protection against the effects of climate change

  • We will give you an incentive to plant some native trees or bushes near your home.
  • We will help you to install rainwater collection systems, in particular by increasing communal subsidies.
  • We will install waste sorting bins in public spaces.
  • We will refrain from energy-intensive entertainment activities of the commune (such as ice rinks, artificial snow tracks or artificial waves).
  • We will plant a tree for every newborn in Bertrange in public spaces to reduce the temperature during periods of enormous heat.
  • We will use rainwater to water public spaces.
  • We will help schools to organise more classes in the forest (Dag am Bësch) and we will support the creation of green nurseries.
  • We will install green roofs and facades on communal buildings.
  • We will favour sustainable alternatives to the use of salt in winter.
  • We will build an additional water retention basin on the heights of the commune to prevent flooding.


Affordable housing and new living arrangements

  • We will develop communal and/or cooperative housing to ensure affordable housing in Bertrange.
  • We will make communal land available through long leases, so that public and private actors (such as the Fonds du logement, SNHBM, Caritas or housing cooperatives) can build social and affordable housing.
  • We will make an inventory of empty buildings and propose short-term solutions so that they can be used as shops, workplaces or housing.
  • We will encourage co-housing (Wohngemeinschaften) and a mixed population, in particular by facilitating the exchange of information between residents who wish to share their home.
  • We will promote the creation of housing for young people with lower incomes working in the commune, such as for example the staff of the care centre.
  • We will create a number of emergency housing units in line with the actual number of 8,500 inhabitants in our commune.


Green and responsible urban planning

  • We will consult you systematically when planning projects that affect you, for example when planning new housing lots.
  • We will increase the density of housing in the commune.
  • In the medium term, we will use the small empty building spaces (Baulücken) to install modular housing and/or tiny houses.
  • We will focus on wood as a building material for new communal buildings, especially in green areas.
  • We will install more benches and tables in the green areas and near the playgrounds (e.g. on the Helfent side); this furniture could be built with wood from the local forests.
  • We will ensure that temporary constructions (such as the Christmas cottage) are accessible to people with reduced mobility.
  • We will create well-equipped dog parks in all areas of the commune.


Clean and safe mobility for all

  • We will use the shared space in the centre as a meeting point and we will install more flower boxes to avoid “wild” parking.
  • We will limit the speed limit in the commune to 30 km/h (except on major roads), and we will moderate traffic in residential areas.
  • We will advocate for Bertrange to be connected to the city’s tram network as soon as possible.
  • To enable children to go to school by foot or by bike in complete safety, we will organise group transport (pedibus and velobus) supervised by the commune or parents; we will put in place a short-term solution to make the children’s journey to school at the crossing in rue de Mamer safer. 
  • We will build pavements where there are none, to make walking safer.
  • We will connect existing cycle lanes and build new ones, in particular to link the surrounding areas (such as Helfent/City Concorde) to the centre of Bertrange.
  • We will install more bicycle parkings near shops, cultural and sports facilities, as well as electric charging stations.
  • We will foresee more Vel’OH! stations in the commune.
  • We will promote wide pavements for pedestrians and cyclists in new housing projects.
  • We will improve signage for pedestrians and cyclists, particularly to encourage respect between all means of transport.


Boosting the attractiveness of the local, green, organic and circular economy

  • We will help local shops to develop their activities in Bertrange, by renting them space at a lower price than the market price for a limited period.
  • We will support collaborative economic projects (e.g. cooperatives for photovoltaic panels, shared gardens) with legal support and advice.
  • We will be offering a wide range of continuous training courses on circular economy and upcycling to raise awareness of the need to reuse materials.
  • We will subsidise the repairing of large electrical appliances (fridges, washing machines, etc.).
  • We will create a system for sharing gardening and do-it-yourself equipment at affordable prices.
  • We will be setting up a platform for the exchange of clothes, toys and sports equipment.
  • We will be strengthening our support for existing associations and initiatives.


Protecting our natural resources

  • We will create protected green zones to guarantee the richness of local flora and fauna in public spaces.
  • We will be managing some of the municipality’s green spaces in “late mowing” mode.
  • We will be helping households in Bertrange and businesses in our industrial zones to create respectful green spaces, in particular with advice on financial aid.
  • We will be protecting bees and their natural habitat, with concrete measures and information sessions for our residents.
  • We will reduce the number of stone gardens by banning them from areas managed by the commune and from new constructions. In addition, we will only award a subsidy to convert an existing stone garden into a green garden if the entire stone garden is replaced.
  • We will be making community gardens available to the public in other areas of the municipality.


Quality of life and efficient healthcare

  • We will be focusing on prevention, in particular by raising public awareness of environmental conditions such as clean air and water, and pollution of all kinds.
  • We will create an after-hours market to improve access to local, sustainable and organic food.
  • We will guarantee a healthy and balanced diet in all communal facilities (SEA, primary schools, foyers, old people’s homes, etc.) with a greater proportion of organic and regional products, and a wider choice of vegetarian and vegan dishes.


A welcoming commune for families, children and elderly people

For the very little ones:

  • We will be organising information sessions for parents of babies and very young children, including targeted first aid courses.
  • We will be providing young parents with newborn kits and education guides for families.

For children:

  • We will build playgrounds and discovery areas on the commune’s open spaces in the new residential areas.
  • We will promote green and adventure playgrounds to bring pupils closer to nature and help them develop a greater awareness of nature.
  • We will enable children to participate themselves in the management of projects that matter to them.

For young adults:

  • as a birthday present, we will be giving 18-year-olds an Interrail train ticket and a gift voucher for cultural activities (concerts, cinema, theatre, etc.) to facilitate their access to local events and raise their interest in the arts.
  • we will actively involve young adults in the decision-making process on climate-related matters.
  • For adults, we will be introducing a personalised advice service for all questions relating to the running of the local authority.

For senior citizens:

  • We will promote a multigenerational approach to living together, with multigenerational and flexible housing, managed housing services, public spaces where generations can meet and events open to all ages.
  • We will encourage the creation of small, easily accessible shops in the centre and surrounding areas, with places to sit and chat.
  • We will organise a shopping assistance service.

For people with specific needs:

  • We will be developing a neighbourhood assistance service, to encourage people to get in touch with each other and support each other with small services (using an app like Hoplr, for example).
  • We will encourage participation in local clubs and organisations, in particular by providing access for people with reduced mobility to all cultural and sports facilities.


A community where life is good for everyone

  • We will be organising more social and cultural activities to encourage integration and living together.
  • We will keep the cost of cultural events reasonable, and they should above all feature local artists and be targeted at the local population.
  • We will be organising “seasonal brunches” open to all, to raise awareness of local seasonal products in a relaxed atmosphere.
  • We will encourage an open and multi-cultural society where each person is respected as he or she is.
  • We will promote social solidarity and integration.
  • We will be training volunteers to provide small services to those in need (e.g. house-sitting during the holidays, shopping for the elderly, mowing the lawn).


A commune that is transparent and close to its citizens

  • We will be setting up a neighbourhood committee that will give one representative a vote for each of Bertrange’s neighbourhoods.
  • You will be able to make an appointment online for the commune’s administrative services.
  • We will be adapting the opening hours of the municipal administration, with one day running from 7am until 7pm.
  • We will be livestreaming council meetings live on the internet.
  • We prefer to distribute communal reports electronically; only those who wish to receive them on paper will be able to do so.
  • We will ensure that the consultative committees are real incubators of ideas.
  • We will be organising consultations on municipal projects.
  • We will be asking for your views on how the commune should be run, by setting up a suggestion box and organising workshops.
  • We will give a group of citizens the opportunity to decide how to use a sum of money to achieve a goal, transparently and with clear rules.